Portfolio information

Project Name : E-Requisition with Inventory Management System / Ministry of Water Resources

Project Client : ICT Ministry of Bangladesh Govt.

Project Category : Government

Project URL : www.doict.digitalprogressbd.com


An Automation System for Products Requisition and Inventory Management System to operate it within the departments for easy handling of the materials and to deliver the products to the concerned person needing it. It means delivery of the Right Products at Right time to the right person. The main function of the Automation System are as follows:



User(s): (Person who places requisition for products)

To submit ‘Requisition’ by the ‘Authorized Users’ as per his / her requirement through online. The User will find a ‘Requisition Form’ online, to place order for the required items. Each User will have their own identity in this system. To place orders and to see the status of placed requisitions, Users will have to log-in by inserting own ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’.

Store Keeper: (Person who maintain Inventory and arrange delivery to Users)

The system has kept a role of a Store keeper. The Store keeper will find a page in the system to entry all the products in the ‘Purchase Entry Form’. In here, Serial number, Item code, Description of Item, Unit Price, Quantity, Total price, Purchase date and sellers name would be entered. To see the approved requisitions and to do all necessary functions Store keeper will have his own page/panel. Same as Users, he will have to log-in by inserting own ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’ to enter into his page. When Store Keeper Finds ‘Approved Requisition’; basing on that, a Delivery Order will be automatically prepared from the system. Storekeeper will only deliver the products to concerned Requisitioner by checking it. Store keeper will deliver the items as per ‘Approved Requisitions’ and perform certain tasks to archive delivery notes, do needful when repeat order to be placed after receiving alert from the system.

Admin: (Person who approves or rejects delivery against submitted requisition)

The concerned authority (Admin) has to approve ‘Requisition’. He will find in his Page / Dashboard all the Requisitions submitted by the different users. All the ‘Requisitions’ will appear sequentially time and date order in his Dashboard. Then the Admin will approve / reject or re-fix the quantity against the ‘Requisition(s)’ as per set norms.

When approved, a copy of it or Requisition Approval Form’ will be sent to store keeper (with detail of products, quantity etc.) directly by advising the Storekeeper to deliver the products/ materials to concerned person placed requisition for the items. It will also automatically inform the person requisitioned - that his Requisitioner been approved and awaits delivery.

The System will automatically keep record of all transaction and update inventory. Store will be notified if any product’s quantity come into minimum level so that he can initiate procure the item through proper channel.


Super Admin: (Chief-Person who Monitors activities of all the person involved with this system)

Super Admin can assign different role to concerned person as and when necessary. Will also have authority to Add/edit/delete any content of the system – if required.

See reports of Inventory, Reports of Users on their Requisition, returnable items list against each user, time of repeat order, present status of inventory etc. In a word, all reports instantly in fingertip - just by clicking from anywhere at any time.



  • User Profile / List

  • Report to view by individual users: Pending, Approved, Delivered, Rejected, Returnable and Returned items in date order.

  • Summary report on all users: Pending, Approved, Delivered, Rejected. Returnable and Returned items, in date order.

  • Stock Report in date order, Category, Sub-Category and item wise.

  • Stock Value in date order, opening stock and closing stock.